Monday, June 22, 2009

The Marley Coffee Brand

I ended the last post by mentioning the Marley's and licensing so I thought I'd share this update with you. On June 15 the Global License Magazine carried an article about Rohan Marley and a partner kicking off the Marley Coffee brand. Read the update here. Essentially, if you are an artist or some other creative and you have a good name, or a product, there are some real money-making opportunities out there for you. Your name can be extended into areas you probably never dreamed, just imagine, would Bob Marley ever have thought there would be the day when his name was used to brand Jamaican coffee. Check out the site here. You can also watch this Marley Coffee Youtube feature by the Marley's on why their interest in coffee. Pretty strategic marketing, it is what it is. Anyway, the good news is that this is not only available to the big guys and folks with money, you can do it too. You can explore licensing options, but be mindful that it will take some work and some creativity. Ultimately, your options will depend on what you take to the table and what your expectations are from a licensing program. Here's a link to Hilco Consumer Capital, the guys the Marleys signed an agreement with. Talk back if you want, I'd like to hear your thoughts.
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