Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Brave New Brand: The "Entertainment Economy" has arrived

I found this post by Erik Nielsen quite reaffirming. It dates back to March 2009, but it makes a point that I think is useful for you my reader. Brave New Brand: The "Entertainment Economy" has arrived The need to be prepared for this Entertainment Economy is real and its primarily about content. I think we can point to lots of content (some very creative content) on the Jamaican cultural landscape, but the question is, how will we manage it. I'm reminded of a quote from Al Lieberman, professor and Executive Director of the Entertainment, Media and Technology Program at NYU's Stern School of Business, in his book The Entertainment Marketing Revolution. It reads, "the creative element is the soul of entertainment, but copyright is the key to the cash." How often have we heard this? If you're in the business to make a profitable living its worth knowing about these things. On the other hand, if you just want to vibe, you really don't need to pay me much mind.
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