Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mobile Marketing Trends In Entertainment

For the next few weeks I'll be attending the course Mobile Marketing and Commerce. This promises to be very interesting. The instructor, Bill Thompson, shared with us an interview he gave to the CD Baby DIY Musician Podcast team in March 2009. I found it very informative and so I'm sharing the link with you, click the link below to listen -

#053: Bill Thompson - Mobile Marketing

From the intro:
For the indie artist, the mobile phone offers a world of possibility... The cell phone has rapidly evolved. It’s hard to even think of another technology that has changed as quickly as mobile phone technology. The way we use our phones has changed drastically as well. What started as just a portable phone, has turned into what is now basically a pocket computer. In many cases, the actual phone is the least used feature of the device.

I think whether you're an upcoming artist or a corporate manager, there is some useful information in this 35 min interview for you. I don't expect that most readers will be in a position to implement anything, but it is useful to be aware of the trends since it gives you options.

In addition to the Mobile Marketing Association resource mentioned in the interview, here's the link to another new resource, Mobile Marketer.

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